BMC fight far from over

Tiro Kganela
Tiro Kganela

The BMC XI ownership wrangle is far from over after the Sonny Phiri-led committee decided to take the matter to court. On Friday, the Botswana Football Association (BFA) thought it had finally made a breakthrough in the drawn-out saga when it ruled that the club belongs to the BMC company social welfare club. This meant the Ghodrati family assume control of the club after purchasing it from the Botswana Meat Commission, the company.

However, on Saturday, the former committee refused to accept the ruling and convened a meeting to seek legal opinion from their lawyer. It was resolved that the matter be taken to court as a solution increasingly appears elusive.

"We left the matter in the hands of our lawyers. We are going to court and if all goes according to plan, it will be before the courts on Tuesday (tomorrow). Our argument has always been the same; that BMC Football Club is a society," spokesperson, Themba Stimela said.  The Phiri committee argues that the BFA ignored the Registrar of Societies' initial advice that BMC was registered as a society, which would have given the committee control.  The association, following fresh submission from BMC representatives last Wednesday, ruled that the club belongs to the company's social welfare club.

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