BNSC urged to act on hooliganism

Authories want an end to hooliganism
Authories want an end to hooliganism

The Minister of Infrastructure, Science and Technology, Nonofo Molefhi has urged the Botswana National Sport Commission (BNSC) to tighten the screws on hooliganism, which he says costs government a lot of money. Speaking at the National Stadium handover this week, Molefhi said the government spends lot of money in repairing damaged facilities.

“We need to ensure that we respect property around these places. It is time to act against hooligans. We have replaced the seats that were missing in the other stands, and we need to ensure that we save money in the future by acting against hooliganism,” he said.

The Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture, Thapelo Olopeng shared the same remarks as Molefhi and said there is need to come up with solutions to stop hooliganism.

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