BOT50 celebrations rescue northern teams

Green Lovers
Green Lovers

FRANCISTOWN: Some Premier League and First Division teams in the north have decided to take part in the BOT50 Independence Cup competitions in their respective areas to remain active while they wait for the start of the league activities.

Local leagues are scheduled to start next month following a deferment recently. One of the reasons advanced by the Botswana Football Association (BFA) was that the postponement paves way for the country’s Golden Jubilee celebrations.

However, some clubs chose not to compete because of the threat posed by non-competitive teams particularly those playing in the constituency leagues as far as their squads are concerned. Others sighted positives from the competitions. “We belong to the community and we must contribute in that regard,” Green Lovers Othusitse Kootswele said. “We don’t want to be seen as secluding ourselves from the community that we are desperate for support from. It might come to haunt us in terms of injuries, but what is there to do with uncertainties of the league start,” he asked rhetorically.

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