Coaches in limbo

Tough times: Olebile says coaches are struggling to make ends meet PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Tough times: Olebile says coaches are struggling to make ends meet PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

At this time of the year, coaches are usually faced with the critical task of saving their teams from relegation or going for the title. But it is a different year and different circumstances. It is no longer football as usual. The major question in the coaches’ mind is 'when is the next meal?'.

Local teams have not played since sports activities were suspended last year March.

It only got worse this week as teams were preparing for a return, the Minister of Youth Empowerment, Sports and Culture Development announced a fresh decision to suspended contact sport in the face of the rising coronavirus (COVID-19) cases. One of football’s eminent sons,  former Zebras coach, David Bright lost his life to the virus recently.

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