Dintwe, Matlapeng Win Kgale Hill Challenge


Onneile Dintwe and Sesebo Matlapeng reigned supreme in women and men’s section of the PPC Kgale Hill Challenge yesterday. They each pocketed P10,000. Matlapeng finished the race in a time of 47:00 minutes while Dintwe crossed the line in 55:08 minutes.

Matlapeng told Monitor Sport that he has been preparing for the race since January through the Botswana Athletics Association (BAA) cross country competitions, adding the events are the same.

“I perform well in a course that has obstacles. A flat course is difficult for me because of my short height. Tall runners beat me in a flat surface because they use long strides while I maintain pace. Going up the hill is an advantage for me because tall runners are forced to reduce their pace,” he said.

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