Large field for Botswana Life golf tourney

Nearly 100 golfers and learners will take part in the 5th edition of the Botswana Life Insurance tournament to be played at the Selebi-Phikwe Golf Club tomorrow.

Tournament organisers’ spokesperson, Odirile Tamajobe said the competition has grown over the years due to an increase in sponsorship and participants. Tamajobe said by Tuesday, 30 golfers had registered but the actual number will be known on the day of the tournament. He said the event is meant to grow the sport in the mining town, support Phikwe golf club and give Botswana Life customers a chance to interact. He added that customers are given the opportunity to ask any information regarding the company’s products.

“The tournament is a great platform for the company to have a light hearted and enjoyable time with its clients while showing its commitment to the local community,” said Tamajobe, the company’s brains behind the tournament.

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