Mmui remains defiant after rowdy meeting

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Rollers chairman, David Mmui, is at a loss why a meeting he called at the Gaborone Civic Centre turned rowdy and aborted.

"I am wondering why people disrupted the meeting.  We don't know why the meeting was disrupted.  If you disagreed, you could seek clarification," he told Mmegi Sport yesterday. He maintains that he is empowered by the club's constitution to call meetings.  The Saturday meeting was abandoned when things went out of control and police were summoned to deal with a punch-up between supporters from rival factions.

It is said that Mmui belongs to a lobby in the club that is advocating that certain issues should be ironed out before one of the country's biggest clubs is privatised.  The faction does not support the manner in which the supposed privatisation is being undertaken. The group that disrupted the meeting supports privatisation.

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