Our facilities are below par � Reikeletseng

Minister of Youth sports and Culture Thapelo Olopeng and Minister of Infrastracture Science and Technology Nonofho Molefhi at the National Stadium.PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Minister of Youth sports and Culture Thapelo Olopeng and Minister of Infrastracture Science and Technology Nonofho Molefhi at the National Stadium.PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

The Botswana National Sport Commission (BNSC) chairperson, Solly Reikeletseng has called for improved sports infrastructure to enhance opportunities for the country to host international events.

Speaking at the National Stadium handover ceremony on Wednesday, Reikeletseng said the facilities in the country do not meet international standards hence limiting Botswana’s chances of hosting major international tournaments.

“I have been the chairperson of BNSC for nine years now and this is the first time that I am complaining.  I would like to urge the Ministry of Infrastructure (Science and Technology) that the next time we meet in an event of this nature we should have a stadium with a larger capacity.  We are losing opportunities due to lack of better facilities. We have been told that we are the best country in Africa when it comes to hosting, but without a bigger facility we lose out on these opportunities,” Reikeletseng said.

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