Premier League, beMOBILE clash over club funds

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The Botswana Premier League (BPL) and be MOBILE look headed for a showdown over the release of mobilisation funds to clubs. Funds meant for the league's administration have not been released too.

The move might disrupt the league programme and force a delayed start. The BPL and be MOBILE contract stipulates that the sponsor will release funds to clubs for mobilisation at the start of each season. Clubs each receive P100,000 at the start of the season.But seemingly irked by the broadcasting saga which dominated headlines last season, be MOBILE has not released the funds until it gets clarity on the television matter. Sources close to developments say the Premier League office wrote to be MOBILE on July 25 requesting the funds, which are meant to assist clubs as they prepare for the new season.

"We note that you are requesting BTC to release funds for same before commencement of the season, however, we are concerned that there is no mention of televising the games and we would therefore appreciate if you update us the matter," be MOBILE responded to the Premier League. However, BPL is said to have assured be MOBILE that the Supersport will broadcast the matches.  "Please be advised that BFA has a standing contract with Supersport International. Please be advised further that preparations are at an advanced stage to launch the 2013/2014 season on the weekend of 24th August with a live broadcast in Selebi-Phikwe," BPL responded.Pressed on the issue, BTC communications manager, Golekanye Molapisi refused to discuss the issue. "We don't discuss contractual issues with third parties," was all Molapisi said.

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