
Agonising wait for school sport

Long wait: School sport has been halted since 2018 PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Long wait: School sport has been halted since 2018 PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

The wait for the return of school sport is far from over as the Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture (MYSC) takes the lead in negotiations. Initially, the Botswana National Sport Commission (BNSC) has been at the helm of consultations and has already conducted engagements with education regional directors.

The consultations followed in the backdrop of the submission of the Joint Task Team on the review of school sport. MYSC permanent secretary, Kitso Kemoeng said following a lengthy and involving exercise in the last two to three years, to try and reposition sport in schools, efforts to implement recommendations of the report that followed, hit a blank. He said some parties were not happy with the levels of engagement.

“The ministry, as the hardest hit party, has since taken the liberty to lead the process of normalising engagement levels, with successful meetings with individual parties already held, and another round of engagements in progress,” he said. Kemoeng said he was not in a position to set any timelines but the ministry is convinced that engagements will conclude soon for sport to take its position back in schools in 2023.

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