
AM620 Cycling Challenge for charity

On the road: Cyclists during the AM620 Challenge PIC: CALISTUS 
On the road: Cyclists during the AM620 Challenge PIC: CALISTUS KOLANTSHO

JWANENG: The Albert Milton Foundation Cycling Challenge (AM620) took off on Wednesday, with a three-day journey that started in Gaborone.

There was an overnight stop in Jwaneng on the first day while yesterday, cyclists paddled along the Kalahari Highway heading to Kang where they put up for the night. The last lap will see the riders head for their final destination in Gantsi where they arrive later today. The cycling challenge is held in honour of the late former Debswana Mining Company General Manager, Albert Milton, who was a cyclist. Milton, who started the Morupule Cycling Club, would have turned 62-years-old this year, hence the 620 kilometres distance from Gaborone to Gantsi. The AM620 is the third instalment of the cycling challenge, which began in 2020 with the Majwe AM570 Challenge, which raised P2.4 million followed by the 2022 Komatsu AM600 where P1.8 million was realised. This year the backdrop is different as the peloton paddled heads in the opposite direction instead of the usual A1 Highway up north.

It is not a competitive challenge but an event to raise funds for charity. First Lady Neo Masisi motivated the cyclists on Tuesday evening and she was in the line-up when the challenge started on Wednesday, riding along with the group for almost 30km. The cycling challenge has attracted cyclists from Botswana, South Africa, and England. Speaking to MmegiSport, Albert Milton Foundation Trustee, Albertina Milton, said the first leg of the challenge was hectic but enjoyable because they are doing it for a purpose. “The first stage of the journey from Gaborone to Sejelo was tough because of brutal winds but it was nice because male riders were in front shielding the women and they were pushing. Climbing Polokwe was also hectic but they managed to pull through because they were riding as a team. From Sejelo to Jwaneng, we were cruising because there was a tailwind.

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