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Babitseng to grant BFL autonomy

Newly elected Botswana Football Association president, Tariq Babitseng.PIC.KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Newly elected Botswana Football Association president, Tariq Babitseng.PIC.KENNEDY RAMOKONE

PALAPYE: First on the menu for the newly elected Botswana Football Association (BFA) president, Tariq Babitseng, would be to grant the Botswana Football League (BFL) its autonomy back.

Babitseng was elected as the new BFA president at the general assembly held at the Majestic Five Hotel in Palapye on Saturday. He ousted Maclean Letshwiti, who held the seat for an eight-year period over two terms. The duo was set for a re-run as the first round did not have an outright winner and a 70% of the votes. Babitseng had secured 21 of the 38 votes, Letshwiti with 16 while Masego Ntshingane secured a single vote. Letshwiti opted to withdraw just before the re-run and left Babitseng to ascend to the hottest seat in the local sporting scene. The new president has since issued a statement to support granting the BFL back its autonomy as one of his first action plans at the Lekidi Football Centre. The BFL is the newest organ at BFA and was granted autonomy to run the Botswana Premier League and also the National Division leagues in 2020.

However internal squabbles within the BFL led BFA to revoking the autonomy with the affairs of the elite league run by the mother body. Babitseng has since said in a statement that the BFL autonomy is aligned with the global trends where top-tier football leagues operate independently with a focus on commercial viability and professional excellence. He further said the autonomy of the BFL presents a progressive move and should be preserved. “The painstaking process of achieving full autonomy is worth the effort, as it sets the foundation for a more competitive, professional and financially stable football environment in Botswana. Under my tutelage, the BFA will continue to support this journey, ensuring that the leagues can thrive independently while contributing to the overall growth of football in the country,” the statement reads. Babitseng has promised to improve stakeholder engagement with the BFA as a move to increase the sponsorship and partnerships for the local game.

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