
Finger-pointing heightens as BFA elections loom


Gaborone United (GU) director, Nicholas Zackhem and presidential hopeful, Masego Ntshingane exchanged jabs in the past week as the election campaign reaches fever pitch, notes MmegiSport Correspondent, KABELO BORANABI

Boardroom squabbles this week spilt before cameras and microphones as the Botswana Football Association (BFA) elective congress approaches.

It appeared as if a quiet campaign on the surface ahead of the September 14 polls, but in the past week, temperatures have reached boiling point. Ntshingane has been invited to the ring by Zakhem as presidential contest rivals, Tariq Babitseng and incumbent, Maclean Letshwiti keep away from the press. In front of a packed GU training facility conference room on Wednesday, Zakhem launched a no-holds-barred contest in his response to the allegations made by Ntshingane. The latter, who serves as the BFA's first vice president launched his campaign last week Thursday.

Editor's Comment
Ditlhopho di tsile: Vote wisely

This is a significant moment for our democracy, and it is crucial that every eligible voter takes part in shaping the future of our nation. This is a call to action for all the registered voters and stakeholders to ensure a smooth and informed electoral process.First and foremost, if you are a registered voter, now it is the time to get ready. Ensure that you have your voter registration card and identity card (Omang) in order. If you have...

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