the monitor

Mpatane unimpressed with referee's decisions

DISAPPOINTED: Eleven Angels head coach, Seemo Mpatane PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG
DISAPPOINTED: Eleven Angels head coach, Seemo Mpatane PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG

Eleven Angels head coach, Seemo Mpatane was left disenchanted with the level of match officiating when his side lost 3-0 to Gaborone United (GU) in a Botswana Premier League game played at the National Stadium on Saturday night.

Mpatane bemoaned that some of the referee Bonno Tsebe’s decisions were only against his side including looking at the cautions they received compared to GU as well as the red card given to their player, Ronny Leagetse. “The referee’s decisions today were really questionable.

I think the referees maybe need to be taught in class the players' emotions because we watch Premier League, we see players being emotional, but they are not sent off,” Mpatane said. Commenting on the fracas that ensued between Tsebe and Leagetse after the final whistle, Mpatane was not happy with how the player carried himself but understood where he comes from. “A lot of unprofessionalism is hanging around our football because you cannot insult a player; because when you insult him you are provoking him to insult you back.

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