Police coach joins rivals BDF IX

Tactics: Makacana (right) gives out instructions
Tactics: Makacana (right) gives out instructions

In a shocking move, Police IX lost coach, Tebogo Makacana, to cross-town rivals, BDF IX. The move comes just days before the much anticipated Phikwe Softball Extravaganza tournament eliminations.

Makacana leaves Police after six years following a period of dominance, where the cops won the league and other competitions such as the Phikwe Softball Extravaganza. He confirmed his move to BDF to MmegiSport this week. “It has been a journey, a long journey to success. And as you know, the road to success is never an easy one. There were a lot of challenges along the way that I had to overcome. So I had to sacrifice a lot to make sure the team got to where I wanted it to be. Overall, I had fun, to be honest, I enjoyed the ride,” he said.

Makacana leaves behind a team that has some of the hard hitters in local softball and he said he will create the same pattern at BDF IX. “The BDF management is supportive and I believe they will give me everything that I need to reach our goals,” he added. Many see the move as motivated by Makacana's personal interest and philosophy. Makacana finds a well-oiled machine at BDF with abundance of talent in, amongst others, Oreeditse Bareng (pitcher), Mathews Dibeela (second base), Kagiso Mogale (pitcher), Albert Kganetsano (outfield), Jasphet Seakane (utility player), Unaswi Gudu (catcher) and Terror Monkemedi (utility player). He is likely to take some players from Police, especially those who are not in the employ of the Botswana Police Service. “The general outlook at Police is that some players who are officers are disgruntled by his move. The coach faced some challenges, generally the management of Police. That club has funds but when it came to using those funds for the benefit of the players, it was something else. Also, promises of integration of players who qualify to be officers are not taken seriously. If you look at Police Volleyball Club, the majority are officers and they have job security. The same cannot be said about softball. That was what the coach was advocating for,” a source said. The official further said players such as Eric Simwanza, Kunyalala Samuel and others in the women’s team were not given job opportunities.

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