Men And Women Should Have Equal Rights

Feminism, by and large brings to the fort concerns we should all distress ourselves with, amongst other things. Like all other ideologies, it’s not something to be forced down the throats of anyone.

This piece is therefore a suggestion of why it is vital for all of us to be feminists, today. The suggestions herein made, are even more crucial in a year intended to end with general elections. We are a nation far behind time in many aspects, although admittedly to the outside we seem attractive and a place to be aspired to.

There is a lot that needs to be done for us to arrive to a 53-year-old democracy with the maturity and wisdom a nation that old, or young should entail. Perhaps beyond just responding to the question of why we should all (at the very least consider) be (-ing) feminist, or lending ourselves to feminist ideologies and practices, the question is how we should all be feminists. We have already attempted to define the word ‘feminism’. In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, feminism is defined as “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.” It is an ideal that speaks to the equality of persons and not the liberation of women at the expense of men. The suggestions herein made are borrowed from other writers, who are referenced and acknowledged.

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