Let's identify our man and go and get him

The Botswana National team coach position has been floated again in the media. I guess that means that we didn't get anyone the first time around we advertised the position. From the look of things, it looks clear that we are in for a rough time trying to get the position filled.

It’s going to be tough to find the most suitable candidate to fill the role.  In most cases, when Associations fire National team coaches they usually have a plan B in place, not with us. The BFA had long contemplated firing Stan Tshosane, and I would have thought they would have long started thinking about a possible replacement.

As it were, one would ask what ‘most suitable’ is. The most suitable coach would have the right qualifications, have the vigour and energy to take our football forward, and most importantly get us results. Although not stated in the advertisement for the position, most importantly he should be able and should be ready for the working conditions here in Botswana and come at the right price. Development is one other issue that we have to look at when considering who to appoint. We do not have a lot of money to splash around and that could be one of the reason we are going to struggle to get someone of the highest calibre. It can be a good thing and it can also be a bad thing. It can be good in the sense that we won’t be struck with someone earning mega bucks and not performing.  And the bad thing could be that the relatively low salary we offer will be a hindrance.  As compared to other countries in the wider Africa, we pay relatively low, although some of us would think otherwise.  

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