We really don�t trust our own

The 2015/2016 football League season starts in a fortnight, barring any unexpected delays, and once again most of the teams in the Botswana Premier League will be led by foreign coaches. This has always been a hot topic as some feel these foreign coaches don’t bring much, while on the other hand history shows that they have dominated and won much of that is on offer. So don’t we trust our own with our teams, or they are just not good enough?

Last season only two teams in the Top Eight bracket were coached by locals and the two have been released and replaced by foreigners. Are they really that bad or we don’t have confidence in them? Rasta Kgengwenyane and Junior Lotlaamoreng have been replaced at BDF X1 and Police X1 respectively by Beston Chambeshi and Maxwell Moyo. These are foreign coaches who haven’t been very successful here but have been a flash in the pan here and there.

If Kgengwenyane and Lotlaamoreng can mix it up with the big boys, why not give them more of an opportunity? Or maybe they are bad coaches? Makes me wonder. So as the season starts the big names teams in the country will be led by foreigners and as is always the case, the debate on whether they add value as opposed us empowering our own coaches will continue.

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