PUBLIC NOTICEENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION OF A MULTISPECIES ABATTOIR AT MOLEPOLOLE IN KWENENG DISTRICT BY BEEF AFRICA MULTISPECIES ABBATTOIR (PTY) LTDIn fulfilment of Section 7, Subsection 2 (a) of the Environmental Assessment Act (Cap 65:07) notice is hereby given of intent to undertake a public meeting as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed development and operation of a Multispecies Abattoir at Molepolole in Kweneng DistrictProject descriptionThe proponent intends to develop and operates an abattoir for multi-species that include cattle, sheep, poultry, pigs, game and goats. The aim of the project is to avail a compliant abattoir facility for Mololepolole and nearby areas. As part of the project planning activities, a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment is being undertaken. ActivitiesThe proposal includes the development and operation of slaughtering machines, scalding and dehairing machines, conveyor belts, by-products processing system, bins, waste management systems, cold rooms, kraals, power supply, borehole water treatment system and other associated works related to livestock slaughtering. The project will only operate after acquisition of all relevant permits and environmental impact assessment clearance.Main benefit of the project will be the availability of a compliant abattoir facility for Molepolole and nearby areas farmers (small stock, livestock and game), employment and economic opportunities. Negative impacts will include risk of air, water and soil pollution, pressure on waste management facilities, possible disturbance on neighbouring activities, cultural or archaeological material, including loss of vegetation. Public and interested/affected parties are invited to attend public meeting as follows to discuss the project:VENUE DATE TIMEMmamarebole kgotla 10 December 2024 0900 hoursFor any queries or comments regarding the proposed project, or to request further information, please contact:Environmental ConsultantTel (+267) 75093457/71806575Postal Address: P.O. Box 10372 GaboroneEmail:
[email protected] YA DITLAMORAGO MO TIKOLOGONG MABAPI LE KAGO LE GO DIRA GA MATLHABELO A DIPHOLOGOLO KA MEFUTA KO MOLEPOLOLE KA BA BEEF AFRICA MULTISPECIES ABBATTOIR (PTY) LTDGo diragatsa jaaka temana ya bosupa (section 7), mo tsetlaneng ya bobedi (Subsection 2) ya molao wa Environmental Assessment Act (Cap 65:07) wa tshekatsheko ya tikologo le matshelo a batho mabapi le ditlhabololo, kitsiso e e lebagantswe morafe, go o laletsa go tla phuthegong mabapi le kago le go dira ga matlhabelo a diphologolo ka mefuta ko masimo a MolepololeTlhaloso ya tiroMoikopedi o batla go aga matlhabelo a tla dirisawang go tlhaba diphologong jaaka dikgomo, dinku, dikoko, dikolobe, diphologolo tsa naga ga mmogo le dipudi mo masimong a gagwe mo Kaisane. Maikaelelo a tiro e ke go aga lefelo la matlhabelo le le tlhomamisistweng (complaint) go dirisiwa ke baagi ba Molepolole le mafelo a a mabapi. Ditshekatsheko tse di tseneletseng tsa go amega ga tikologo di a dirwa, go amana le tiro e.Ditiro tsa kagoTiro e, e tla akaretsa go agiwa le go dira ga mechini e e tlhabang diphologolo, didirisiwa tse di buang kgotsa go kgobola matlalo, mechini e tsamaisang dinama le dirwe mo dikarolong tsa tiro ka go farologana, didirisiwa tsa matlakala, difiriji tsa dinama, masaka, kgokello ya motlakase, mafaratlhatlha a a tlhatswang metsi a sidiba le tse dingwe tse di tla tlhokegang. Tiro e e tla agiwa le go dirwa morago ga diteseletso di tsewa ke moikopedi.Tiro e e tla kgonagatsa go nneng teng ga matlhabelo a a rurifaditsweng mo kgaolong ya Molepolole le barui ba ba mabapi, ga mmogo le go tlhama ditiro le tshono tsa papadi. Tse di bosula go amangwa le tiro e, ke kgonagalo ya go kgotlhelesega ga phefo,metsi le mmu, go imelweng ga didirisiwa le mafelo a matlakala, ga mmogo le go kgoreletsa ditshidi tsa metsi, ditlhare le ditiro tse di diriwang go bapa le lefelo la tiro. Ba ba eletsang, banale-seabe le baamegi ba lalediwa go tla phuthegong mo lefelong le le latelang, go bua ka tiro e:LEFELO LETSATSI NAKOMmamarebole kgotla 10 Sedimonthole 2024 0900 phakelaGa o na le tshwaelo mabapi le tiro e, kgotsa o tlhoka go itse go feta fa, leletsa kgotsa tshwara ba ba latelang:Environmental ConsultantTel (+267) 75093457/71806575Postal Address: P.O. Box 10372 GaboroneEmail:
[email protected]